Surrogacy process, step by step

Surrogacy process, step by step

Surrogacy is a complex and emotional topic that has become more frequent and popular in recent years. The aim of these surrogacy processes is to give life to other lives, but not in all countries this is possible, or not for all kinds of people or couples.

What is surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a reproductive option for those who cannot conceive or carry a pregnancy to term, being considered a method of assisted reproduction that consists of implanting at least one fertilized embryo in the uterus of a surrogate mother who will gestate for a third person or couple.

There are two types of surrogacy: traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy.

  • In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate is inseminated with the sperm of the intended father or with the sperm of a donor. This type of surrogacy is practically non-existent today, since the surrogate would be genetically related to the child.
  • The other type is gestational surrogacy, which instead consists of implanting an embryo created through IVF with the genetic material of the intended parents or from the genetic material of donors. In this case the surrogate or surrogate mother has no genetic relationship with the baby.

Legal regulations on surrogacy

The legality and regulations of surrogacy differ from place to place. While in some places surrogacy is completely forbidden, there are countries or states in some countries where surrogacy is regulated or allowed.

Within the regulations of those countries in which surrogacy is allowed, there may be age restrictions, family models that can be accessed, requirements of certain medical reports that must be accredited by the intended parents, or limits to the compensation that the surrogate mother would receive.

Potential risks on surrogacy

It is important to take into account the potential risks associated with surrogacy, basically among which are medical complications during pregnancy. As for risks related to the surrogate mother becoming emotionally attached to the child, this would not be a potential risk in most cases since in almost all countries where surrogacy is regulated, the surrogate mother does not have any rights over the newborn.

In any case, it is important that all parties involved are fully aware of their roles, expectations, requirements and legal rights before signing a surrogacy agreement. It is very important to know all the basic costs of the process along with the costs that may arise from possible unforeseen events.

Steps and operation of the subrogation process

STEP 1. First of all, the couple or individual who wishes to have a child through surrogacy must go to a specialized surrogacy agency such as Go4Baby, an agency that will coordinate the entire process from start to finish to ensure that the process will run smoothly.

STEP 2. The biological parents (who usually coincide with the intended parents) must undergo a series of medical tests at their trusted clinic, with the aim of ensuring that they are able to provide their genetic material to achieve healthy embryos. If this is not possible, in many cases, gamete donation by the fertility clinic in the destination country can be used.

STEP 3. The intended parents will travel to the destination country to provide their genetic material and sign the corresponding agreements with the clinic and the surrogate.

In turn, the fertility clinic in the country where the process will take place will conduct a thorough medical evaluation of the intended mother to ensure that she is fit to carry a pregnancy to term, including physical and mental health tests.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) will then be performed using the sperm and egg of the couple or individual who wishes to have a child. If a donated egg or sperm is used, IVF will also be performed.

STEP 4. Once the embryo or embryos are produced, this embryo or embryos will be transferred to the surrogate, hopefully resulting in pregnancy. Throughout the pregnancy process, the surrogate will receive all medical and psychological assistance to ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy.

STEP 5. Once the baby is born, the surrogate will deliver it to the intended parent or parents, who will have to register it in their name and obtain the baby’s passport so that it can travel with its parents to the country of origin.

Surrogacy or adoption?

Nowadays, many couples and single people are faced with the difficult decision of choosing between surrogacy or adoption to fulfill their dream of becoming parents. Both options have their pros and cons, but nowadays, surrogacy is gaining popularity due to its numerous advantages.

First, surrogacy allows the birth parents to have more direct control over the process of pregnancy and birth of their child. Unlike adoption, where the adoptive parents cannot participate in the gestational process, in surrogacy, the birth parents can have a close relationship with the surrogate mother and be present at the birth of their child.

In addition, surrogacy offers a greater guarantee that the child born will be biologically the parents’ own. In adoption, there is no guarantee that the child will be biologically similar to the adoptive parents, which may be a determining factor for some people.

Finally, surrogacy is a legal and regulated process in many countries, which offers security and legal protection to the biological parents and the surrogate mother. In adoption, the process can be long and complicated, and there can be legal and emotional risks for the adoptive parents and the adopted child.

In summary, surrogacy offers numerous advantages over adoption, including greater control of the process, assurance of the child’s biology, surrogate selection and legal security. However, each individual and couple should carefully evaluate their circumstances and preferences before making a decision.

What is the cost of a subrogation process?

In countries such as Ukraine and Georgia, processes can start from 40,000 euros to 70,000 euros, depending on the program chosen, while in countries such as Colombia and Mexico they can start from 50,000 euros to 80,000 euros or USD (US dollars). However, in countries such as the United States, the processes can cost from 150,000 USD to 300,000 USD.

It is very important to know that the costs of surrogacy processes consist of several parts:

  • Medical costs, which include the costs of in-vitro fertilization, preparation for pregnancy, and medication during pregnancy, as well as payments to the egg donor in case she is needed. In case of unforeseen events such as incubator expenses, the costs would go up.
  • Costs related to the pregnant woman, including her compensation, pregnancy-related expenses, lodging and transportation, etc.
  • Legal costs, including notary fees and preparation of pre-pregnancy and post-partum documents.
  • Costs related to the coordination and control of the process, which would be the costs of the subrogation agency.
  • Additional costs of the intended parents, such as their accommodation in the country of destination.

Who can agree to carry out a process?

Basically there are 3 family models that can carry out a surrogacy process, but not all family models are admitted in any country in which this assisted reproduction technique is legislated or allowed.

Heterosexual couples and marriages

Surrogacy is an increasingly popular option for heterosexual couples and married couples who wish to start a family and whose wife is unable to carry a healthy pregnancy. In countries such as Ukraine or Georgia, this is the only family model allowed. In fact, in Ukraine, it is a prerequisite for the heterosexual couple to be a married heterosexual couple.

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Homosexual couples and marriages, LGTB

In some countries such as the United States, Canada, Colombia and certain states in Mexico, surrogacy is allowed for gays and lesbians, so this family model will have the opportunity to fulfill their dreams.

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Single persons, single-parent families

In the same countries where surrogacy is allowed for couples of boys or girls, it is also allowed for single persons or single-parent families.

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Experiences, opinions and testimonials on surrogacy

Surrogacy processes are not always an easy path, but the effort is worth it, and this is demonstrated by many testimonies of happy parents who have achieved their dream.

Real-life testimony of a married couple who achieved their dream

My husband and I had always dreamed of becoming parents, but after several failed attempts at fertility treatment, we realised that surrogacy was our best option.

We contacted OneSurrogacy and within 2 months of starting the process we had a wonderful woman who was willing to carry our child or children. The process was a long but very emotional one, and finally our dream came true.

We were fortunate enough to achieve a multiple pregnancy, and both our son and daughter came into our lives on a sunny spring day, and have since brightened our days with their laughter and joy.

We are so grateful to both OneSurrogacy, the fertility clinic and our surrogate for giving us the greatest gift of our lives. Therefore, we highly recommend surrogacy as a reliable way to expand our family.

Testimonial from a surrogate mother

For me, being a vital part of a surrogacy process has been a rewarding process. I gestated a baby for a couple in Spain and I am delighted to have helped them achieve their dream of parenthood.

It is true that separating from the baby has not been easy, but neither has it been easy to separate from his parents, who are wonderful people and with whom I have what we could call a family relationship.

In addition, thanks to the financial compensation I have received, I have been able to renovate my house and buy a few treats for my children.

Therefore, I just want to say to those people who define surrogacy as a kind of exploitation of women, that they are completely wrong. All the women who participate in these programmes do it consciously, voluntarily and with the moral and physical support of our family.

It has been a pleasure and a source of pride for me to gestate for a couple who had the desire to expand their family, and now they have achieved it.

The best countries to perform a surrogacy process

Surrogacy is permitted and regulated in some countries of the world, but not all countries have commercial surrogacy or allow it for foreign nationals.

Among the countries in which this assisted reproduction practice is allowed are Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, United Kingdom, Greece, India, Thailand, United States, Canada, Colombia or some states of Mexico. Recently this practice is also allowed in Portugal.

It is very important to know the legality of each country and if in each of these countries commercial surrogacy and surrogacy for foreign citizens is allowed.

Requirements in Colombia

In Colombia there are hardly any requirements to carry out a surrogacy process. These requirements are:

  • Being a single man, single woman, boy couple, girl couple or heterosexual couple.
  • It is not essential for the male to contribute his genetic material.
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Requirements in Mexico

Mexico is an alternative to Colombia, but with higher costs. The requirements are:

  • Being a single man, single woman, boy couple, girl couple or heterosexual couple.
  • It is not essential for the male to contribute his genetic material.
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Requirements of Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic there are really no requirements as there is no explicit law related to surrogacy, but it is certain that it must be a male who agrees to this model of assisted reproduction. Requirements:

  • Be a single man, or be part of a heterosexual or homosexual couple.
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Requirements of Ukraine

Ukraine is an ideal destination for heterosexual marriages, but currently, due to the invasion, it is not available. Requirements:

  • Being heterosexual married couples, not being valid cohabiting couples.
  • The husband must provide his genetic material.
  • The woman must provide a medical report stating that she cannot achieve pregnancy or that pregnancy will endanger her health.
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Requirements of Georgia

Georgia is an excellent alternative to Ukraine for married couples and heterosexual couples. Requirements:

  • Be a heterosexual married couple, or be a cohabiting couple living together for more than one year.
  • The husband must provide his genetic material.
  • The woman must provide a medical report stating that she cannot achieve pregnancy or that pregnancy will endanger her health.
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