FAQ about surrogacy

Surrogacy processes, Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Discover the ultimate guide to surrogacy, where we unravel the mysteries surrounding this extraordinary journey. Delve into the world of surrogacy, egg donors, and the incredible intended parents who embark on this life-changing adventure.

Surrogacy, general questions

What is surrogacy or surrogate motherhood?

The meaning of surrogacy, also known as surrogate motherhood is a type of assisted reproduction process through which a woman carries the pregnancy and eventually gives birth to the baby or babies of another person or couple. More information about surrogacy…

In which countries can a surrogacy process take place?

Surrogacy is only permitted in a few countries in the world, or in certain states. The best known countries are Ukraine, Georgia and Greece, although in recent years in Mexico City, there is no prohibition to carry out a process, and the contracts between the intended parents and the surrogate are completely valid. There are also options such as the Czech Republic and the signing of contracts with a Ukrainian woman, ideal for single men and couples of boys.

Is the process legal and safe?

Of course there is. In Ukraine, Georgia and Greece there is legislation, while in Mexico City, without specific legislation, the contracts signed before a notary with the surrogate mother are enforced. In the Czech Republic there is no legislation in this respect, and that is why contracts are signed with a Ukrainian surrogate mother, which will enforce all your rights.

What contracts are signed abroad?

The corresponding contracts will be signed with the foreign agency, with the surrogacy clinic and in front of a notary with the surrogate mother. These contracts will enforce all your rights and obligations.

How long does the process usually take?

Surrogacy processes have a minimum duration of 12 months, including pregnancy, and in the case of needing more embryo transfers until pregnancy is achieved, the process can be extended by 18 or 24 months.

More information about surrogacy

Requirements to be met by intended parents

In countries such as Ukraine or Georgia, only heterosexual married couples whose women are unable to gestate or carry a pregnancy without serious risk to the mother or foetus can access the process. In the case of Mexico City, heterosexual married couples as well as single men and same-sex couples can access the process without any limitations. The programs with birth in the Czech Republic are suitable for single men and couples of boys. For surrogacy programs in Greece, the intended mother must be under 50 years of age.

How many trips must be made to the country of destination?

Usually 2 trips are more than enough. The first trip to the country of destination will be to sign the contracts and provide genetic material. The last trip will be at birth.

Is it possible to abandon the process?

If pregnancy has not been achieved, yes, it would be possible to abandon the process. In case of pregnancy, we must go all the way.

How will the baby be registered?

The baby will be registered in the country of destination (Ukraine, Georgia, Mexico or Greece) in the name of the intended parents, subsequently obtaining the citizenship and passport of any of these countries. Once the intended parent(s) return to their country, generally Spain, the corresponding filiation and adoption processes will have to be carried out so that the child is registered in the name of the parent(s). In the case of the Czech Republic, it is not necessary to obtain a passport for the baby.

More information about intended parents

Requirements to be met by surrogate mothers

Your pregnant woman must be over 18 years of age, be the mother of at least one healthy child, and not be over the recommended age for carrying a pregnancy, in addition to being in good health. On the other hand, the pregnant woman must undergo a series of medical tests to ensure that she will be able to carry a pregnancy with the best guarantees.

Do the parents have to sign an agreement with the surrogate?

The Intended Parent(s) must sign a contract with the surrogate mother before a notary, but it is also possible to sign a power of attorney in favour of our representative in the country of destination to sign such an agreement on your behalf.

Who carries out pregnancy monitoring?

The follow-up is coordinated through the agency or clinic in the destination country. Through Go4Baby you will receive all the information with complete transparency.

What rights does the surrogate have over the baby?

Absolutely none. After birth, it is the intended parent(s) who has full rights over the newborn.

More information about surrogates

Requirements to be met by egg donors

Can the surrogate provide her own eggs?

No, the surrogate and the donor must be different people, basically to ensure that the surrogate mother will not have any genetic relationship with the baby.

How many attempts can be made with my own eggs?

If the intended mother is able to provide her own eggs, IVF with these eggs and up to 3 transfers are possible.

What medical tests do donors have to pass?

Egg donors must undergo a gynaecological examination, a genetic study and a blood test, including a serological study.

Is it possible to meet the egg donor?

In Ukraine, Mexico and Colombia, you will have access to generic information about your donor, including photographs. In the case of Georgia, you will also have the opportunity to meet the donor in person.

More information about egg donors